Monday, September 8, 2014

Technology Education Experience

Technology has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was in elementary school there was a computer teacher that would come into our classrooms once a week to show us the basics of the computer. She would show us how to navigate certain tools for educational purposes such as Microsoft or the internet. We had some short experiences with the hands on part of using a computer while in elementary school. When I reached the middle school level, the technology advanced a little more and we were sent to computer classes more often. In these classes we went in depth about how to create power points or use apps such as garage band. The computers were used a lot more during my middle school years because the music and art departments would have us create our work on certain apps specifically made for that subject. When I reached high school most students were very familiar with technology, whether it was their iPhones or laptops. Social media become a huge part of my high school years. Everyone had some sort of social media that spread news at rapid speed. Also many teachers started to come across all the wonderful technology that our school system offered and we would use the computers for many different projects or assignments. I was very lucky to be able to have technology with me every step of the way growing up, but as a future teacher I do not want technology to take over the lives of my students. I want my students to be able to function without technology and realize it is a gift and not their whole lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alicia,
    It is great that you had this type of experience with technology throughout school. In my own experience it wasn't anything like that. I feel like it is very important to introduce students to technology early on, especially in today's world. It seems these days not only is technology a great tool, but it is necessary to success both academically and professionally.
